Sometimes I Cry for No Reason
Sometimes I cry for no reason,
something takes me over and shakes my body free of all tears,
I don't know where it comes from, but I love where it takes me.
Volcanic, primal and pure, it moves me to
the other shore of myself,
the place beyond place,
beyond thought, thinking, or having,
leaving me with the only thing there really is,
what has always been and will always be,
call it what you will,
there is no name for it.
This force of nature,
this tightrope strung between worlds
is totally invisible, even when you walk it
or sing about it
or pretend it doesn't exist.
It does
and it doesn't,
both at the same time.
maybe that's why I cry,
my way of being shaken awake,
free of anything and everything,
wholly alive, present,
empty, full,
and very, very grateful.
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