Higher Self Meditations, as its name implies, offers meditations on your higher Self. Its 52 chapters provide clear understanding of why meditation is more successful when it effortlessly lets the Universe do it for you; explain how to contact your higher Self; give you a sense of the far-reaching benefits of such contact; offer a clear understanding of higher states of consciousness awaiting you; and show how meditation and higher consciousness relate to the creative arts, philosophy, the sciences, and so much more.
Cary Bayer, a Life Coach who has worked with Oscar-winners Alan Arkin and Pietro Scalia, Emmy-winners comic/director David Steinberg and Judy Henderson, and Quality Inns, founded Higher Self Healing Meditation in 2010.
A former teacher of Transcendental Meditation (TM), and a trainer of TM teachers, Cary studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Deepak Chopra, and Ram Dass, and taught meditation to hundreds of people from southern California and the Caribbean to Western Europe and Australia.
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