Mentoring and Coaching Services for Aspiring Authors
Award-winning author, poet, storyteller, blogger and editor, Mitch Ditkoff, is now available to mentor and coach aspiring writers. If you are in the process of writing a book and can use some meaningful support, I am a possible resource for you.
The Services I Provide:
- Writing & manuscript assessment
- Skillful, empowering feedback
- Creative process facilitation
- Book structure, rhythm & flow counsel
- Coaching, mentoring and gut check
- Book promotion advisory services
I Am the Right Fit for You If...
- You are thinking about writing a book
- You are writing a book, but are stalled or stuck
- You are committed to becoming a better writer
- You have something to say, but wrestle with doubt
- You are open to feedback, coaching & support
- You are confused about your publishing options
How My Service Works:
1. You and I have a 20-minute conversation to make sure your needs and my services are a good fit.
2. If YES, I send you a Letter of Agreement for your signature
3. You pay a 50% deposit
4. We schedule our first coaching session
My Books
Unspoken Word
Storytelling at Work
Storytelling for the Revolution
Full Moon at Sunrise
Awake at the Wheel
My Websites
Unspoken Word
Storytelling for the Revolution
Idea Champions
Face The Music
Brainstorm Champions
My Blogs
Storytelling at Work
Unspoken Word
The Heart of the Matter
The Heart of Innovation
Huffington Post
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