CHRIS LEARNS A LESSON: A Story from Ms. Najma's 2nd Grade Class
Last week, at Al Siraat, a very forward-thinking Islamic School outside of Melbourne, Australia I had a most memorable experience.
The audience was not my typical client, but a classroom of seven-year olds. And why I was there was because of one simple reason. Their teacher, the very creative and dedicated, Ms. Najma, had read my book on storytelling a few days before and, inspired by the techniques, decided to apply one of them in her class -- a way to motivate her students to write, illustrate, and publish their own book.
Since I was already at Al Siraat for two weeks, it was only a short walk to Ms. Najma's class, where her 20 students were waiting for me, eyes wide open, waiting to meet a "real author." I asked them questions. They answered. They asked me questions. I answered. Then, formalities out of the way, I had the good fortune to be on the receiving end of them taking turns reading me their story and telling me about their process of writing it. Total fun... and such a good learning experience for ALL of us. Click the link below to read their masterpiece, "CHRIS LEARNS A LESSON".
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