SOON COMING: An Anthology of Wisdom Stories from Living Sages
GREETINGS! I am beginning the process of identifying a wide variety of living Sages, Masters, Gurus, Teachers, and Wisdom Keepers to contribute their favorite story to an anthology of "wisdom stories" I am putting together. Some of these Sages will be well known to many. Some not. At this point in the game, I am looking for two things: 1) Suggestions of "wise ones" to approach; 2) Contact information (or connections) for HOW I might approach these wise ones in the simplest and most direct way possible. If you are not comfortable with leaving your suggestions in the comments box, feel free to email me:
The Magical Mystery tour continues...
About the curator
Photo: NASA on Unsplash
Wisdom is listening to my own heart being.
~ janice barden wilson
Posted by: janice at February 12, 2019 09:28 PM
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