Why Storytelling is Essential to Jews and Judaism
Wonderful article by Rabbi Jonathan Sachs on storytelling and Judaism.
AN EXCERPT: "Tibet has been governed by the Chinese since 1950. During the 1959 uprising, the Dalai Lama, his life in danger, fled to Dharamsala, in India, where he and many of his followers have lived ever since. Realizing that their stay in exile might be prolonged, in 1992 he decided to ask Jews, whom he regarded as the world's experts in maintaining identity in exile, for advice. What, he wanted to know, was the secret? The story of that week-long encounter has been told by Roger Kamenetz in his book, The Jew in the Lotus. One of the things they told him was the importance of memory and storytelling in keeping a people's culture and identity alive."
Big thanks to Steven Ornstein for the heads up.
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash
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