One of the powerful things about storytelling is that it doesn't take a lot of time to deliver the goods. Indeed, a meaningful, life-changing story can easily be told in five minutes or less. Sometimes, one minute or less.
And yet, curiously, most storytelling workshops and books require hours of your time. Sometimes, days. Which is precisely why I've created a super-simple way for aspiring storytellers to get what they need in order to develop their chops without a lot of huffing and puffing -- and without a lot of expense.
I call it "Micro-Learning for Storytellers" -- the perfect blend of simple, deep, fun, engaging, and self-paced.
It begins with a live, 90-minute, online Storytelling Master Class from award-winning author and Wisdom Circle Founder, Mitch Ditkoff. After the session, participants receive a link to Mitch's Micro-Learning for Storytellers page -- access to more than 100 mind-opening videos, articles, stories, and podcasts on how to become a transformative storyteller.
Who is this for? Anyone who wants to explore new and better ways of communicating a meaningful message via the medium of oral storytelling.
The next Storytelling MasterClass is planned for May, specific date to be announced. Very affordable.
Interested? Simply click this link and then the "email us" link and Mitch will get back to you ASAP.
Mitch Ditkoff
Storytelling for the Revolution
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Storytelling at Work
Wisdom Circles
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