A Wisdom Circle is a lightly facilitated, personal storytelling gathering -- a chance for 6-12 friends, neighbors, colleagues, or co-workers, in a relaxed setting, to share their meaningful, memorable, real-life stories with each other -- usually focusing on a few pre-selected themes. Storytelling is voluntary. Some participants may choose to tell one or more stories. Others, may simply listen and get inspired. There are many benefits to a Wisdom Circle:
-- Builds connection, trust, and community
-- Gives participants an engaging chance to have a voice
-- Enables people to share the best of their best practices
-- Inspires, awakens, empowers, and energizes
-- Transmits insight, wisdom, and tacit knowledge
-- Accelerates positive behavior change
A Wisdom Circle is not a class, seminar, workshop, or lecture. It's more participatory than any of those formats -- a way for people to share their own life-lessons with each other, through the medium of story, in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. Bottom line, it's a no-pressure get together where real listening and peer-to-peer learning happens.
You have wisdom to share
What a story is not
Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling at Work
How I connected with an Islamic school in Australia
You are a universe of stories
Storytelling as nest, home base, and safe haven
Why human beings tell stories
Ten reasons why people don't tell their stories
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