A Call for Silver Lining Stories
Mother Teresa once said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one."
Towards that end, I am inviting you and anyone else reading this post, to send me ONE "silver lining story" you've heard (or been a part of) that relates to the coronavirus outbreak. And by "silver lining story," I'm referring to examples of the unsung spread of kindness, love, neighborliness, selflessness, giving, care, goodness, tenderness, compassion, hope, heroism, and beyond-the-call-of-duty benevolence that is also happening in the world during these difficult times.
Maybe it's something you witnessed in your town, village, or community. Maybe it's something you read on the internet... or heard about... or saw on television. Maybe it's a project you are a part of or a "good deed" that blew your mind. You decide.
What I'm attempting to do on this blog is feature these kind of stories at a time when we need to balance the bad news with the good.
I'm not suggesting that you ignore the stark coronavirus updates we need to pay attention to or candy coat reality. All I'm suggesting is that we call more attention to inspiring examples of the what's possible when people go beyond fear, reach out, and express the very best of what it means to be a human being -- truth in action.
And one of the simplest ways to do this is via storytelling.
Not fiction. Fact. Real, living, breathing examples of how human beings are rising to the occasion.
If you decide to submit a story, please keep it to 500 words or less and include 1-3 photos or images. Please only send images for which you own the copyright. I am not guaranteeing that I will publish all the stories I receive. But I will do my best to read them and choose some to feature on this blog. NOTE: By submitting your story, you are granting me the right to edit it, as needed, for publication. Wash your hands!
SEND STORY SUBMISSIONS TO: mitch@ideachampions.com
What story will you tell today?
What kind of stories people want to tell
Storytelling for the Revolution
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