The Story of the Oven Bird
Poet, storyteller, and all around cool guy, David Gonzalez is a maestro in the fine art of embodying a story. His performance of The Oven Bird was featured on the April 26th Music & Sound Healing webcast, produced by Evelyne Pouget, Gabriela Rojas, and Fran Linry in beautiful San Miguel de Allende. You are in for a treat! Thank you, David! And thank you, Evelyne, Gabby, and Fran for your vision, perseverance, and soulful service to the world so much in need of healing.
PS: Next up on this page: Steve Gorn's bansuri flute performance from the 4/26 Music & Sound Healing webcast.
Next Music & Sound Healing performance: May 3, 5:00 pm, CST
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