GRAND OPENING: Evelyne Pouget's SMA Parisian Salon
If you live in San Miguel de Allende, you are in luck!
Extraordinary curator of soul-stirring salons, Evelyne Pouget, is about to launch a series of cultural + artistic offerings in the town that Forbes Magazine, Conde Naste and readers of Travel + Leisure magazine have dubbed "The Best Small City in the World."
"Evelyne's salon evenings always leave me full of hope. Not just for myself, but for our world. The music... the people... the ideas... the rays of all of our creativity, united for a night." - MaryJane Fahey
WHEN: Saturday, February 25, 7:00 pm
WHERE: Avenue Hercules 39, Colonia Lindavista
COST: $600 pesos
More info below:
What people are saying about Evelyne's salons:
"Evelyne's salons were a highlight of my life in Woodstock. The music, spoken word, dancing and art nourished our souls and celebrated so many artists. Many of my best friends to this day are people I met month-after-month, year-after-year at her glorious salons." - Roberta Wall
"Evelyne has a knack for putting people together to experience the ultimate. Her salons always leave me with more love in my heart than I came in with and reflect the loving energy she always projects." - Elise Pittleman
"Evelyne has a rare gift for acting as a kind of artistic matrix, gathering around her artists, musicians, poets, comedians, spiritual leaders, and thinkers. Anyone who has ever participated in her salons has come away uplifted on emotional, spiritual, and intellectual levels. They are totally priceless." - Cary Bayer
"Evelyne's salons are a wonderful gift to the community. She is masterful at putting together inspiring afternoons or evenings full of culture, fun, creativity and interesting people. We have always enjoyed partaking in her fusion events." - Maryann Erickson
"The most unexpected and memorable result of attending Evelyne's magical events in NYC and Woodstock was meeting the amazing woman who became my wife and mother of our beautiful daughter." - Aaron Barr
"Evelyne's salons are always astounding -- extraordinarily creative gatherings that inspire, energize, and remind everyone what it means to be an open-hearted human being." - Mitch Ditkoff
"I've lived in Woodstock for 45 years. The best parties and gatherings were always at Evelyne's house. I still miss them!" - Steve Pittleman
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