Written Watercolors from France
For the past two weeks I've been living in France with my wife, Evelyne, helping to care for my 90-year old mother-in-law. It has been a very moving journey -- so much so, that an entire new dimension of storytelling has emerged for me. "Written watercolors," I like to think of them, sketches of the timeless human spirit as the body starts to age. Each of the stories will take you less three minutes to read, but the feeling contained within I hope will stay with you forever.
The Sign
The Table
Waving Goodbye to Henriette
My Mother-in-Law's Basement
The Phone in France
Jean's Wine Cellar
She Doesn't Leave Her House All That Much Anymore
French Camembert
These are such soulful and inspiring stories. There are so many lessons of life to be learned through the mirror of lives lived before. Very poetic and soulful. The passing of time, the evolution of soul.
Posted by: rolan at July 12, 2017 06:35 PM
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