What Actually Happens at a Wisdom Circle? The Format?
The format and flow of a Wisdom Circle is very simple. Prior to the gathering, via email, I let everyone know what the storytelling themes of the evening will be, so, if participants want, they can identify -- and even practice -- a story they want to tell.
On the night of the Wisdom Circle, I begin by welcoming everyone and asking each participant to introduce themselves and state what they hope to get from the evening -- "what's in it for them." I then set the context -- including a brief introduction to storytelling as a communication medium, the ground rules for the circle, and an explanation of my role, as facilitator.
To kick off the storytelling part of the evening, I tell a brief story (5 minutes or less) and invite everyone in the circle to "unpack" it -- either asking me questions about the story, asking for further elaboration, or reflecting on how the meaning/message of the story relates to their own life. In effect, each story told becomes a catalyst for insight, reflection, and positive change.
Then, the floor is open for the next person to tell their story and for the rest of us to "unpack" it. And so on, for the next two hours or so. Storytelling is voluntary. Some people prefer just to listen and reflect on other people's stories. Some people may end up telling more than one story. The process is very organic.
Some evenings, depending on the number of participants (never more than 12), I may choose to divide the group into smaller groups so more people get a chance to share their stories.
At the end of the evening, the group gets a chance to reflect on some of the key themes of the evening and how those themes relate to their current life challenges/opportunities.
A Wisdom Circle is not a class, seminar, class, therapy session, or lecture. It is a chance for people to share their meaningful, memorable stories with each other in a safe, engaging, and non-judgmental environment. Bottom line, it's a fun, uplifting, insight-invoking evening where real listening happens and everyone has an inspired opportunity to learn from their own and other people's life experiences.
You have wisdom to share
What a story is not
Wisdom Circle ground rules
Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling at Work
Illustration: gapingvoid
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