An Intriguing Invitation for Pet Store Owners Everywhere
Greetings! Mitch Ditkoff here, Rep/Agent for pet portrait artist, Evelyne Pouget. If you have customers who might be interested in commissioning Evelyne's services, you will likely find our new Finder's Fee offer worth considering. It costs you absolutely nothing and opens the door for you earning a 10% fee on all clients you send Evelyne's way.
Bottom line, as Evelyne's Agent/Rep, I am looking for simple ways to promote her work to the general public. And, since you, as a pet store owner, interact daily with the demographic most interested in her services, you are the ideal person for me to reach out to.
"I LOVE the painting! It is so life-like and I truly feel Sparky's presence in the house. It's truly remarkable. I'm so very grateful to Evelyne for creating such a timeless treasure. The painting will be displayed prominently in my living room for all to see. He's watching over me still. So much gratitude to you!" - Suzanne Leon
"The oil pastel work Evelyne created of my dog, Kaya, is one of my most prized possessions! Evelyne truly captured Kaya's essence -- her sweetness, bright spirit, and loving nature. This beautiful piece is something I will always cherish." - Sarah Jacob
"Evelyne nailed the tender, sweet nature in Bonnie's eyes precisely, and brought Bonnie's spirit to life! Seeing the completed oil pastel painting for the first time brought Janey to tears. Bonnie's painting will be a daily inspiration for Janey." - Colin Pence
1. At your request, I email you a PDF of Evelyne's Pet Portrait poster (showing samples of her work and describing her services).
2. You print out the poster and post it in your store.
3. Interested customers of yours email me and ask for more info. I respond via email or a phone call -- whatever they prefer.
4. If any of your customers decide to engage Evelyne's services, I email them (and you) a Letter of Agreement, noting fees.
5. Within 48 hours of receiving final payment from the customer you referred, I pay your 10% commission (via PayPal or snail mail.)
All of the above is designed to be super-simple, stress-free, and win/win/win. Your customers get an awesome portrait of their beloved poochie or kitty. You receive a 10% finder's fee. And Evelyne gets to do the work she loves to do.
Evelyne works in two mediums: oil pastel and oil painting. Her fees range from $500 - $2,000, depending on the medium, size, and complexity of the painting. Your finder's fee will, therefore, range between $75 - $250. The only effort required, on your end, is to post Evelyne's promo poster in your store. There is nothing else to do.
NOTE: As a matter of protocol, I always ask prospective clients where they learned of Evelyne's pet portrait services. So... I will always know if YOU were the referring source.
My day job is President of Idea Champions, a consulting and training company, based in Woodstock NY. Here is my bio. And here are my clients.
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