Storytelling at Work
March 16, 2020
Aussie Interfaith Wisdom Circles


Yes, these are very difficult times we find our selves now living in -- many of our assumptions, concepts, and beliefs challenged to the core. And yet, even in the midst of so much change, chaos, and confusion, there is also the possibility of clarity, community, and consciousness.

As Leonard Cohen once said. "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."


Yesterday, at Al Siraat College (a K-12 school, in Melbourne, where I have been working for a month), I had the blessed opportunity to facilitate a Wisdom Circle for four members of the school and four members of the Whittlesea Interfaith Network. In attendance were five Muslims, two Christians, and two Jews. Their countries of origin? Australia, Pakistan, Germany, India, and the United States.

For two hours, the nine of us shared memorable, meaningful moments of truth with each other, in the form of personal stories that confirmed our humanity, sacred connection with each other, and the undeniable fact that, no matter what our outward differences might be, inwardly we are all the same.

That's just one of the powers of storytelling. It affirms and amplifies the very best of human nature.

Tomorrow, I will reconvene with these fine folks to teach them how to facilitate Wisdom Circles in their own homes, communities, and organizations. Know this, my friends: In the midst of worldwide meltdown, shutdown, stress, challenge, weirdness, and fear there is also light, love, kinship, hope, and learning. Or at least the possibility of it. Our choice. Always.





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Online Wisdom Circle facilitation training
You have wisdom to share

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at March 16, 2020 03:14 PM

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Storytelling at Work is a blog about the power of personal storytelling – why it matters and what you can do to more effectively communicate your stories – on or off the job. Inspired by the book of the same name, the blog features "moment of truth" stories by the author, Mitch Ditkoff, plus inspired rants, quotes, and guest submissions by readers.

Order the book:

Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling for the Revolution is Mitch Ditkoff's newly published book about the power of personal storytelling to elevate the conversation on planet Earth. Provocative. Evocative. And fun. YOU have stories to tell. This book will help you tell them.
Storytelling at Work
"The world is not made of atoms," wrote the poet, Muriel Rukeyser. "It's made of stories." Learn how to discover, honor, and unpack the stories of yours that show up "on the job" in Mitch Ditkoff's award-winning 2015 book, Storytelling at Work.
Do you want to know more about the book before buying it? Click here for Mitch's response to frequently asked questions about Storytelling at Work – the perfect book for people who think they have no time to read.
The Workshop
Storytelling is an "unconscious competency" – an ability we all have that all too often remains inaccessible to us. Enter the Storytelling at Work workshop – a simple way to activate this powerful, innate skill.
Wisdom Circles
Want to establish a culture of storytelling in your organization or community? Looking for a simple way to help people to share their meaningful, memorable stories with each other? Here's how.
Podcasts & Videos
Click here to view and listen to a series of interviews with the author of this blog. Go beyond the written word. Listen. Feel. Elevate the conversation. Understand what the big deal is about personal storytelling.
Blogs 'R Us
If you like this blog, you might also like Mitch's other two blogs: The Heart of Innovation and The Heart of the Matter. Mitch is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post.
Idea Champions
When Mitch isn't writing, he's captaining the good ship Idea Champions, a leading edge innovation consulting and training company based in Woodstock, NY. What their clients say.