The Perception of Ideas as Problems
Here's something I've been noticing lately:
Business leaders and managers tend to respond to the introduction of a new idea not as an imminent solution to be nurtured, but as a new problem to deal with. Ideas, one would think, would be welcomed, especially by an organization's movers and shakers talking the talk about innovation.
But all too often a company's leaders, time-crunched and overloaded as they are, perceive the introduction of a new idea as simply "more work" for them to do, the early warning sign of too many emails to read, more meetings to attend, more requests for funding, and more conflicting opinions.
Perhaps this is why so many managers respond to the articulation of a new idea with knee jerk naysaying instead of heartfelt open-mindedness. And you wonder why innovation in your organization is so sluggish...
What can you do to reframe the way you perceive ideas being pitched to you on the job -- from "problems" to "opportunities?"
Idea Champions
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Posted by: John Herry at April 18, 2016 02:18 AM
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