You Have to Know WHAT IS Before You Can Figure Out WHAT'S NEXT
Many organizations say they want to create a bold new future for themselves -- and that is laudable -- but all-too-often their future-oriented efforts are launched without fully understanding their present reality. As a result, their forward thinking efforts are often ungrounded, unfocused, and unwieldy.
Bottom line, if you want to arrive at a new destination, it's useful to know where you're starting from. Which is precisely why Idea Champions is happy to announce that it is now offering its clients a simple way to assess the WHAT IS of their organization.
Idea Champions' Current Reality Check Up is a highly effective needs assessment process that provides senior leaders with deep insight into the mindset, perspective, and needs of their company's workforce. Metaphorically speaking, it's a kind of organizational X-RAY that reveals what exists beneath the surface -- strengths to leverage, weaknesses to address, and opportunities to explore.
The Current Reality Check Up goes well beyond the realm of traditional surveys. Surveying, in fact, is only 20 percent of what's included in our needs assessment efforts. The other four elements? 1) Individual and group interviews with a cross-section of your employees; 2) Tacit Knowledge Mining (i.e. identification of best practices and success stories; 3) Analysis of Senior Leaders' poll projections compared to actual results and: 4) A written summary that distills down the best of what we've learned and provides a selection of easy-to-implement, low-cost recommendations.
Our survey designers and interviewers are experienced human process consultants with only one purpose in mind -- and that is to discover what is really going on in your organization. We have no axe to grind, no hidden agendas, and nothing else to sell. Our sole aim is to provide you with the clearest possible picture of what is going on in your enterprise so you can make intelligent choices, going forward.
The benefits of our service are many: Your senior leaders get the input they need to go beyond their own C-Suite assumptions and inertia. And employees get engaged and informed simply by being asked to share their opinions on issues that matter to them. Indeed, there's nothing quite like being asked "What do you think?" to increase a person's level of engagement and buy-in -- especially if they know that Senior Leaders are committed to doing something different in response to what employees think and feel.
If you've got a big conference coming up, a company-wide initiative to launch, a transition to go through, or simply want to raise the bar for employee engagement, begin your efforts by understanding what is. Your ability to clarify what's next will then emerge organically -- with the least amount of wheel spinning and wasted effort.
The next step? Call us at 845.377.0222 or email (
You plan it, and then realize that it's never gonna happen the way you imagined.
I don't believe in the saying: "Find yourself", I think one makes themselves. We can do anything, therefore you must choose, who do want to be.
But honestly, you will not the person you plan out to be. The only thing we can determine is the direction, in which we are heading.
It is true that it became clear to me when I read the article at
Life will challenge and reward you in ways you can't even dream. So find a goal and accept that you will change in the process.
That is the next step.
Posted by: Kamilla Rott at November 30, 2016 04:12 AM
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