MAHARAJI: Albany, NY -- 6/07/08
"Here's a new definition of life: Your opportunity to spend time with the best friend you ever had... with the ultimate kindness... with the infinite... with the ultimate joy."
I heard about this comment from a friend who attended last night's address. It blew me away, in that always subtle, simple way...but blew me away it did indeed.
Posted by: Deece48 at June 8, 2008 09:33 AM
I had the wonderful opportunity to hear the above comment about the purpose of my life from his lips. There were four of us old foggies, by some folks standards that took an amazing "road trip" to Albany from Richmond, VA. Being in this man's presence feels like taking a shower. All the old dust of who I think I am is cleansed and my understanding of who I am is renewed. Now where else in this world can I go to feel this way? Check him out @ Words of
Posted by: Kathie at June 12, 2008 08:43 PM
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