How Has the Practice of Knowledge Changed My Life for the Better?
"Self-Knowledge is a route to personal peace... Practicing it enables me to stay centered and grounded... With Knowledge, there's no need to be anywhere else or think anything else. No need for an awareness of anything other than the sweet delight of being." - Prem Rawat
Recently, we asked people who have practiced the techniques of self-Knowledge that Prem Rawat teaches how it has changed their life for the better. Below is a sampling of their responses -- the first in a series of posts on this topic.
"Getting to know my real self via the practice of Knowledge has been the most interesting, the most powerful, and the most pleasurable experience of my life." - Jean Paul Peretz, Mexico
"I feel peace after practicing Knowledge. All positive traits like love, kindness, clarity, and serenity become automatic in me. Once again, I begin to live in the present." - Nim Lal Bhandari, Nepal
"Practicing Knowledge is like having an inner tuning fork." - Joyce Gerber, USA
"The gift of Knowledge has been a constant source of joy in an ever-changing world and has enriched my experience of life in a very positive way. To know that within me is an ocean of peace that I can feel each day is wonderful." - David O'Neil, UK
"When I practice Knowledge, I am so filled with love, peace, and calm that all my sorrows disappear." - Milagros Olarte Roman, Spain
"Practicing Knowledge, I realize that I have been shown a point of reference in me that is constant, unchanging, solid and secure. In a constantly changing world, it feels very good to know this." - William Sheppard, Canada
"My headspace is often full of complexity, confusion and unanswered questions. Knowledge shows me my heartscape, where simplicity, clarity and answers abound. It has restored the balance in my life. For that, I'm extremely grateful!" - Rosalind Nunn, UK
"Practicing Knowledge allows me to set the bar for fulfillment in my life. It shows me that my true nature is peace and that I always have a choice in every circumstance. It shows me that I possess all the tools I need to live in harmony with my deepest humanity." - Alla Rogers, USA
"The gift of Knowledge teaches me how to receive every day as a gift full of surprises that leaves me in awe." - Sylvie Armand, France
"Practicing Knowledge offers me a constant source of love and inspiration which, in turn, strengthens me with personal courage, resilience, passion and compassion. It brings me personal fulfillment." - Rosemary Herd, Australia
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