The Heart of the Matter
May 30, 2022
The Latest and Greatest from

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If you haven't logged onto in a while, you've missed a wide variety of informative and inspiring content. What follows are links to some of what's been posted since November, 2021.

Upcoming articles include coverage of the May 28th UK event, the publication of the German edition of "Hear Yourself", a colorful update about Amaroo, the upgrade of PEAK (Peace Education and Knowledge), the impact of the "Inside Peace" documentary, testimonials from people whose lives have changed for the better from practicing the techniques of Knowledge, fascinating interviews and much, much more.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
About Prem Rawat
12 Ways to Learn More About Prem Rawat and his Message of Peace
"Hear Yourself" Continues Having Impact
Prem Rawat Visits Zimbabwe Prison
Johannesburg Knowledge Session and Knowledge Review

Prem Rawat's Official YouTube Channel
TPRF's Empowering People Booklet
The Event Gallery: A Hidden Pearl
"Hear Yourself" Book Unveiling in Mumbai
TPRF's Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine
One Person at a Time (a story about Shri Maharaji)

The Wisdom Quotes of "Hear Yourself": Part One
The Wisdom Quotes of "Hear Yourself": Part Two
The Wisdom Quotes of "Hear Yourself": Part Three
The Information Overload Phenomenon

A Shout Out for "Hear Yourself" from Bordeaux
TPRF's Peace Education Program
TPRF's Sponsorship of Peace Themed Events
How You Can Support TPRF's Food for People Program

A Practical Way to Celebrate TPRF's 20th Anniversary
About TimelessToday Subscriptions
Putting the Human Back Into Humanitarian
"Hear Yourself" Debuts on the New York Times Bestseller List

If you want to send a message to Prem Rawat, ask him a question, or share your thoughts about your own experience of personal peace, it is very easy to do.

If you would like to receive monthly updates about new content, feel free to subscribe to the newsletter. Simply log onto the website, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and subscribe.

Stay tuned. In the next few months the site will be redesigned for an even better user experience.

PS: If you have suggestions for future articles, send them to

Photo: Courtesy of TimelessToday

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 06:45 AM | Comments (0)

May 26, 2022
Update on Hear Yourself


Here's an update on Prem Rawat's bestselling book, "Hear Yourself."

Just published on, the article includes information on how you can help get the word out, download the audio book version and/or give it away to friends.

To date, the book has sold 50,000 copies and is projected to sell 100,000 by the end of the year.

One of the extraordinary aspects of the book is how Prem Rawat cites a wide variety of movers and shakers since the beginning of time to help communicate the value of turning within to connect with personal peace.

Wisdom Quotes #1
Wisdom Quotes #2
Wisdom Quotes #3

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 07:33 AM | Comments (0)

May 03, 2022
Why I Am Flying 27 Hours to Amaroo in September


On September 1st, I will travel 27 hours to Amaroo (Australia) to spend five days with Prem Rawat and 3,500 other people at an outdoor celebration of love.

When I tell some of my friends, they look at me as if I've gone off the deep end. "Why?" they ask. "Haven't you seen him enough in the past 50 years? Don't you already know what he's going to say?"

Their questions all make sense. Logically speaking, that is. But my experience of seeing and listening to him, live -- especially in Amaroo for five days -- is not a logical thing. It's a love thing. And love is not always logical.

Can I experience this anywhere? Yes, I can. That's the whole point of what he teaches -- that each one of us can experience what we were born for anywhere. No, it doesn't take a trip to Australia to experience it.


But... somehow... some way -- at least for me -- spending five days, unplugged, in this man's company, helps me get way more deeply in touch with that feeling.

Anyway... as I gear up to make the trek halfway around the world, here are 50 reasons why I am going:


1. Because I want to.

2. Because I can.

3. Seeing Prem Rawat always refreshes, renews, and rejuvenates me.

4. Usually, when I see Prem Rawat, it is only for 90-minutes at a public event. At Amaroo, it's at least twice a day and for five days in a row. Plus, the rest of the time is an off-the-grid festival of love.

5. It's a ton of fun. Make that two tons.


6. Mucho laughter.

7. Sometimes, a single word or phrase from Prem goes in so deep it becomes a kind of radioactive isotope of awareness -- teaching and nurturing me for years.

8. Joy. Big joy. Huge joy. Massive joy. Gigundo joy.

9. Amaroo is a very beautiful, welcoming place.

10. I like getting in sync with my teacher's vision for bringing his message of peace to the world.


11. Waking up early with the birds.

12. Seeing a kangaroo or koala bear.

13. Fabulous unexpected connections with people I've never met before.

14. Practicing Knowledge in my tent and knowing I will be sitting in the amphitheater, with Prem Rawat, later that morning.

15. The food tent. Yes, the food tent -- a great place to schmooze with old friends -- some of whom I haven't seen in years.


16. Reconnecting with my muse. Tapping into the realm from where real poetry originates.

17. The journey there. Each step is an arrival.

18. Realizing, once again, that I have everything I need.

19. Feeling as if every cell in my body is having a party.

20. Getting in touch with the feeling that originally drew me to receive Knowledge in the first place.


21. Going to bed when the sun goes down.

22. Experiencing heaven on earth.

23. Seeing people from every walk of life from more than 35 countries living in a beautiful bubble of grace.

24. Hot showers in the morning.

25. Many sweet opportunities to serve.


26. Deep, uncontrollable waves of gratitude.

27. Excerpting some of his talks in the laundry room.

28. Ultimate simplicity.

29. Just walking around.

30. Getting totally soaked with feeling.


31. The Australian accent.

32. Being rebooted.

33. Daya's Fine Dining.

34. Feeling like every day is the cherry on top of the Sundae on top of the world.

35. Realizing that if I was on my death bed and looking back at my life, the moments I'm having at Amaroo would be some of the most exquisite.


36. Love, love, love.

37. Getting a fresh perspective on what life is all about.

38. Listening to the truth being spoken beneath the beautiful Australian sky.

39. Enjoying every breath.

40. Getting down to basics.


41. The best vacation I've ever had.

42. Getting out of my head and into my heart.

43. Everywhere I am is the right place.

44. Learning something every day.

45. Seeing how peace on earth is not only possible, but happening.


46. Did I mention love?

47. I get to look in a beautiful mirror and see myself clearly.

48. Not having to DO anything to feel totally whole and complete.

49. Feeling. Deep, deep feeling.

50. Feeling good for absolutely no reason.

Excerpts from Amaroo

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 08:30 AM | Comments (8)

May 02, 2022
Prem Rawat on Self-Knowledge


Prem Rawat doesn't just talk about personal peace. He offers people a practical experience of how to access it within themselves. He calls this experience "self-knowledge" and it is, quite simply, the core of his message. In the months to come, will be publishing a wide variety of compelling content that will make it much easier for you and the other 7.9 billion people on the planet to understand what self-knowledge is all about and how you can experience it for yourself. What follows are selected excerpts from Prem's new book, "Hear Yourself", that further elaborate on this most fascinating topic.

"I find there is a lot of confused intellectual noise around the topic of understanding the self, but the purpose of gaining self-knowledge could hardly be simpler; it's about us experiencing that refreshing clarity, deep fulfillment, and profound, immeasurable joy -- and many, many other wonders -- by being at one with the universe of peace within us."

"Self-knowledge is a route to personal peace ... Practicing it enables me to stay centered and grounded... With Knowledge, there's no need to be anywhere else or think anything else. No need for an awareness of anything other than the sweet delight of being."

"Self-knowledge is like music -- as you start to understand yourself you being to hear the many beautiful sounds this life can play for you. It's as if your ears are becoming attuned to more and more frequencies."

"Every day brings a new opportunity for us to express ourselves -- a new blank page waiting to be filled. Self-knowledge can help us write something memorable, something joyful, something true to who we truly are. Something full of meaning. Only I can write the story of my life and only you can write yours. Each day we need to pick up our pen and write what is in our heart. Let the ink flow."

"Gaining knowledge about the self is a process of discovery, of uncovering who we are."

"What's at stake when we allow our inner self to remain hidden -- when we live unconsciously? Well, we forsake the most precious thing we have: our experience of life itself. We can also suffer all sorts of mental and emotional pain. And we might also project our pain onto those we love, and on the world around us. Self-knowledge connects us with the opposite of all this: all that is good in us."

"Allowing self-knowledge into your life can bring challenges. For some, it requires that they go against the flow of their social or professional situation. Family, friends, and colleagues can be suspicious and dismissive. We can find ourselves surrounds by those who believe there's nothing to the inner world, and they're often keen to keep sharing their opinion with us."

"Great pleasure and progress can come from our interaction with the world, but it's only one part of who we are. For someone to say, 'There are two worlds -- outer and inner -- and they both matter to me...', well, that requires courage. It takes a brave person to say, 'My mind and my heart can be at peace with each other.'"

"As a human being, your peace, clarity and goodness emanate from your heart. You have an inner power generator, an inner source of light, an inner sanctuary of calm -- and you take all this with you wherever you go."

"Understanding how to connect with that place of peace inside and feeling gratitude for it: this is called Knowledge, and it's something we all can learn. What is learning? It's experiencing the gift of life in a new way."

"Some people can take the journey of self-knowledge alone; others benefit from guidance. There are many teachers and speakers in the world; if you need a little guidance now and then, find the person or people who feel right for you. Having someone there with you -- someone who truly understands the self -- can be reassuring. They can point the way in the dark."

"It's not my place to tell people what they should or should not be; I'm here to offer reminders that we're blessed by the miracles of existence, and to help point the way towards inner peace. Only you can decide if that's the direction you want to go. Only you can decide if this is the route you want to take to get there."

"My father, Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, once expressed the role of the teacher of self-knowledge through a wonderful metaphor. He talks about the Master, which is what people often call their main teacher, especially in India. Here's what he said""

Knowledge, they say, is like a sandalwood tree, and the Master like a breeze. The entire sandalwood tree is filled with fragrance, but even if it wanted to give it's fragrance away,it could not. Yet, when the breeze blows, it carries the fragrance to the whole forest. As a result, other trees become as fragrant as the sandalwood tree. In the same way, the entire world, could be fragrant with Knowledge.'"

"I learned about self-knowledge at the feet of my father, quite literally. When I was a child, I would sit on the stage when he spoke, and I'd listen to what he was saying and to the questions people asked. That's how I came to understand that we are born with everything we need to experience peace, but the busyness of everyday life can obscure those strengths within."

"Over the years, I have learned that understanding cannot be put into somebody; we must accept it for ourselves. To do that, we need to be open to what's new. If you have an empty water glass and a bottle containing water, you must place the bottle above the glass and let gravity draw down the water. Water cannot flow upward into an empty glass. Knowledge cannot flow from an open heart into a closed mind."

"Often people will want to question everything about self-knowledge with their head. Exactly how does it work? How can I be sure it's working for me? What is the proof? In other aspects of life, smart questions like this can be helpful, but you can only really learn about yourself through experience, not theory."

"Sometimes we need to let go of thinking -- there's a time for believing and a time for knowing."

"If this book and the PEAK program resonate with you, there's also an option to learn some practical, but powerful techniques of self-knowledge. These should help you tap into your inner strengths and take your focus from the outside to the inside. It's these techniques that my father taught me.. when I was six years old."

"In my experience, the techniques are best passed on from person to person. They are something precious that should be learned from someone who truly understands them."

"The key that unlocks the door to a deeper sense of consciousness is your thirst for self-knowledge... It's like learning a language: you must have that curiosity and driver to begin with, then follow up with the determination to practice. Knowledge is the language of the self."

"There are often great expectations attached to gaining self-knowledge and peace, too. 'When I have peace, this is what it should feel like. When you have peace, this is how you should act.' So go the expectations. I suggest a different approach; feel your thirst, explore self-knowledge, and allow whatever happens next to unfold naturally."

"Having a strong connection to inner peace has been an incredible blessing in my life -- through the good times and the rough times. For me, it doesn't matter what problems I have or what's happening in the world; when I cross that threshold and connect fully with my self, all concerns vaporize. And this is the possibility for every human being; to be in that place where the heart sings and they simply enjoy the music of being."

"I often speak about the clarity that comes from self-knowledge because it can transform how we feel about ourselves and how we encounter life."

"Self-knowledge can enable you to develop a set of inner instruments connected to your true self. And that's where you find your reality. That's where you truly get to orient yourself."

"Once, when I was talking to people who were learning the techniques of Knowledge, a man said, 'I feel afraid.'
'Afraid of what?' I replied.
'I can't let go: I can't get into this feeling.'
'Why?' I said. 'You are only turning inside. Don't be afraid of yourself. Fly!'

"Turn within, and you can fly far within yourself. Turn within, and the noise of the world settles into silence, enabling you to listen to the divine music of now. Turn within, and you will hear yourself. Begin!"

Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World
12 Ways to Learn More About Prem Rawat's Message of Peace
An introduction to Prem's online course, PEAK

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 02:37 AM | Comments (0)

Welcome to Mitch Ditkoff's blog about what's really important in this life: Peace, gratitude, love, joy, clarity, and the effort required to wake up and smell the roses. Enjoy!

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