A Stroke of Insight
This 20 minute video is extraordinary. It's the story of a brain scientist, Jill Bolte Taylor, who had a severe stroke and, in the process, experienced the true essence of who she was. She makes a compelling case for the choice we all have -- separateness or unity, struggle or peace. Well worth watching. In the words of an old song whose name escapes me at the moment, "You are not your body, you are not your mind..."
I suffered a mini stroke in November 07. I saw this video 4 months later. It is the most accurate discription of what happened to my brain. I lost my speech and am relearning happily. I feel more and more at peace and can practice what I enjoy. Thanks for all the fabulous inspirations "ideachampions"; I send my family and friends.
Posted by: Jody Borland at June 29, 2008 01:05 AM
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