I'm Moving to a Blog Cabin* in the Woods
I see the future.
Everyone will have a blog. Every blogger's pet will have a blog. Every blog will have a blog. Every blog's blog will have a blog. No one will be reading any of these blogs because everyone will be too busy writing blogs. Bloggers will occasionally visit other blogs, but only for the purpose of leaving comments that will direct readers back to their own blog. Letter writing will become popular once again, gaining a new lease on life after the internet crashes repeatedly because of the profusion of blogs and youtube videos created by 5-year olds and terrorist groups.
Why all the blogging?
Because people want to connect. And WHY do people want to connect? Because there is a fundamental need inside each of us to feel connected.
"Connected to WHAT?" is the question. Connected to ourselves.
Bottom line, for each of us to feel truly wired, we need to connect with ourselves. Then, and only then, does it make sense to connect with others.
Otherwise, all our efforts to connect will be fundamentally flawed -- tinged with the slightly neurotic need for approval and completion -- neither of which are really necessary once we master the fine art of tapping into who we really are in the first place.
And speaking of the future -- high rises are out. Blog cabins are in.
* NOTE: Thanks to Cary Bayer for turning me on to the phrase "blog cabin." I had never heard it before Cary mentioned it in a conversation. It was the inspiration for this little piece.
In the 1950's when I was a kid, my mother already had a blog of sorts with a social network but it was called a party line telephone. Sometimes one would only "listen in" and other times she was "listened on", but she felt "connected" too, I think. So then, there's only one way to satisfy this need that never goes away. Agreed.
For good measure today, no URL :)
Everybody's Talking At Me by Harry Nilsson:
Everybody's talking at me.
I don't hear a word they're saying,
Only the echoes of my mind.
People stopping staring,
I can't see their faces,
Only the shadows of their eyes.
I'm going where the sun keeps shining
Thru' the pouring rain,
Going where the weather suits my clothes,
Backing off of the North East wind,
Sailing on summer breeze
And skipping over the ocean like a stone.
Watch out now, for Blog Cabin Fever, and please check first with your health care provider.
Posted by: Don Panachio de La Sundance at June 30, 2008 04:04 PM
Check out Fred Neil's version of "Everybody's Talking."
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at June 30, 2008 04:34 PM
I love this Mitch. You're probrably right in what will end up happening with the blogs. It's all about intention. And, more importantly, the intent of our connection to each other and to ourselves. We must first be connected to ourselves. Why on Earth would anyone desire to be connected with someone who is not connected within themselves?
And the Blog Cabins. This is why we all love you Mitch. To laugh from hitting our proverbial spiritual funny bones always!
Namaste, L
Posted by: Coach Lynn at July 1, 2008 04:51 PM
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