If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've probably noticed that some of the postings describe memorable moments I've had with Maharaji over the years -- interactions that taught me something useful, fascinated me, or further connected me to the joy of life.
If you have received Knowledge, I'm guessing that you've had your own moments with him -- however subtle or dramatic they may have been.
Maybe you've shared these moments and maybe not. If not, I wouldn't be surprised. It's definitely a challenge telling these stories in a way that conveys the power of their meaning to others.
True. But there are moments that can be described -- remembrances that can provide others with a catalyst for exploring the sweetness of the relationship between Maharaji and those who love him.
And so... you are hereby unofficially invited to share one of your own moments with Maharaji for possible publication on this blog. Sound good?
If so, take a few minutes now to review the following guidelines.
1. Write in your own voice -- how you say things.
2. Write for a general audience -- not just people who have received Knowledge.
3. Stay away from words, phrases, or references that would make no sense to the general public.
4. Focus mainly on your story -- less so on your commentary about your story -- though it's fine to include reflections on what your moment with Maharaji meant to you.
5. 1500 word maximum.
6. Be careful not to preach, moralize, or proselytize. Let your story deliver the message.
7. Be conscious of your use of superlatives. Saying that your experience was "incredible" or "amazing" may mean something to you, but it won't necessarily mean anything to the reader. How was it incredible? How was it amazing?
8. Include enough details about the setting of your story to give it dimension. Remember, you're writing a story -- not a treatise, discourse, or sermon.
9. By submitting your story, you are granting me permission to publish it on this blog. If your story is selected for publication, I may end up editing it. If I do, I will send you the edited version for your approval.
Please forward this invitation to anyone you know who may want to submit a "Moments with Maharaji" story for publication on this blog.
Here are some examples of these kinds of stories already on the blog: here and here and there and over there... and this one, too.
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