If You Have the Thirst to Learn More About What Maharaji Offers...
If you have the thirst to learn more about what Maharaji offers and know you want to receive Knowledge, there's a simple, practical way to prepare -- The Keys.
The Keys are a set of DVDs to help people, in the privacy of their own home, learn more about his method for tuning in to a deep place of inner peace. If you've already been viewing introductory DVDs or listening to introductory CDs, you may want to take your next step and view THE KEYS.
If you have friends interested in learning more about Maharaji and Knowledge, but are not yet committed to viewing The Keys,
forward them this link.
Or click below. It will take you to a set of other links, mostly from this blog, any one of which may help your friends on their way...
Dear Mitch,
I just want to thank you for the great moments you have been giving me.
You have a funtastic:) blog!
Posted by: JTome at September 26, 2008 08:11 AM
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