Excerpts from Maharaji's Talk in Montreal, Part 2
The following excerpts are my best attempts at capturing, live, some of what Maharaji said at the Montreal event on October 7th. In some cases, I have paraphrased his words. MD
"You have the incredible ability to be fulfilled and feel joy in your heart. Not once. Not twice, but have the impossible at your command whenever you want. Experience it! Experience what? Joy! Of what? Of being alive. What does alive mean? Alive means the infinite is residing within you."
"Sit back, relax, and feel this passion, even if it is only for a few minutes. It will do you a lifetime of good."
"Gratitude is a song that is sung."
"Understand, if just for a fraction of a second that within you the immortal resides, in you is the infinite -- not was -- IS! It can't be bought or thought or created."
"People know what they don't want. The Master asks, 'What is it that you DO want?'"
"If you don't want to be separated from Knowledge, it has to be renewed everyday."
"You inherently know that which you value above everything else in this world is peace, understanding, and joy. What do you do to make sure that this joy does not waver and this understanding does not come and go?"
"The possibilities are endless. There is no end to the possibilities. Here is the most amazing magic that is taking place."
"The joy that exists here in the company of the beautiful inside of you, in the practice of this Knowledge, does not exist in heaven."
"We all have these little deflectors -- concepts that deflect the reality away from us. We say, 'Oh, Kabir was enlightened, but not me. We say, 'this experience might be true for that other person sitting next to me, but not for me. I am nothing.' Not true. We are blessed beyond belief. The most incredible wish has come true."
"Invest a little every day in this Knowledge. Your piggy bank will become huge. Massive."
"Practice. Participate. Enjoy Knowledge. Enjoy life. Enjoy this existence. Forever. Now."
"What is my message to you? There is more."
"Sometimes the words of a Master come as a storm and sometimes they come gingerly, like the rain in the middle of the desert."
"I have seen joy in the eyes and smiles on the faces of people who have been told they have less than six days to live. Can you imagine that?"
"This Knowledge is the only thing I know of that will be there to the very end. I'm asking you to make a sound investment in that."
Thank you!!
Posted by: lor at October 10, 2008 11:16 AM
I don't know my url, but I would like to be able to post a comment once in a while, I have received the gift of Knowledge about 20 years ago, and have also had the opportunity to express myself to Maharaji in 2002 I believe it was in Montreal, in an excerpt called "Thank you for the Peas" I was the first to speak in that short video, I was very grateful to have had the opportunity to express myself to my Teacher and Master - I am not very adept at this new media hence my not knowing what URL means however, I'd like to comment, thanks
Posted by: Mario Regina at April 8, 2020 01:14 PM
I had posted above about having expressed myself to Maharaji in Montreal, there is a video called Thank you for the peas in which I have seen myself do so, I thank you for accepting me and to be able to comment, thank you very much Mario Regina
Posted by: Mario Regina at May 18, 2020 12:43 AM
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