The Heart of the Matter
November 29, 2008
Maharaji in Malaysia


What follows are a few paraphrased highlights of Maharaji's presentation in Shah Alam, Malaysia on November 27th. Thanks to Jan Buchalter for sharing her recollections with us.

"When you are having this experience of the unchanging truth, you can withstand the storms and be unphased. Such is the strength, such is the conviction of this enlightenment. What is foretold to take lifetimes to achieve is attained now because you have remained balanced in that center. What seemed so difficult before has now become easy, for practice has switched your gears and allowed you to gain proficiency in this art of maintaining that equilibrium regardless of whatever.

When there are ripples and everything is in motion, we cannot see that absolute self. However, in that time of concentration within, when all is settled, the true nature of ourselves begins to shine."

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at November 29, 2008 01:11 AM

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