Maharaji in Johannesburg
In response to many heartfelt requests, Maharaji accepted an invitation to speak in Johannesburg, South Africa, on October 31, at the OR Tambo Conference Center.
Seven hundred and fifty guests attended -- many of whom hadn't seen him since the last time he visited South Africa 15 years ago.
The mood was electrifying.
Maharaji began his talk by reflecting on his trip from Durban to Johannesburg -- noting that even though clear skies were forecasted, he was confronted with a huge thunderstorm.
"There are no certainties in our lives," he explained. "But just as a pilot navigates through a thunderstorm, so we need to navigate in our lives."
"The purpose of our existence," he went on to say, "is not pain and suffering, but enjoyment. We have been given this body as a vessel to steer us across the ocean of ignorance, so that enjoyment can be experienced while we are alive."
Maharaji spoke at length about the impact that Words of Peace Global is having -- and how people all around the world are being transformed by his message via that medium. He also talked about the importance of teamwork.
"Outreach can only happen if communities come together and work as a team. It's got to be a team effort."
Before concluding his talk, Maharaji reminded everyone to focus within.
"In your life, sow the seeds of clarity, kindness, and sincerity. Nurture them and you will be gifted with a beautiful garden, which is yours to enjoy."
Much thanks to Nitasha Barath (pictured above) for submitting her inspired field report.
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