A Real Tour de Force
Well, there you have it. Maharaji's most recent world tour is now, it seems, completed (though one never really knows). Time now for Maharaji, I'm guessing, to get some much needed rest. How he travels so far and so often is a total mystery to me. It would be one thing if he was sitting back and napping in First Class between countries, but he's piloting his own plane!
I get tired just riding the stationary bike at my health club.
In any case, if you want to read highlights from selected tour events, click the link below. If you want to watch video or listen to CD excerpts from Mauritius, North America, Gwalior, Kurukshestra, Montreal, Toronto, or Asheville, log onto www.mspeaks.com
Thank you Mitch
Look on The best color on my last blog
on myspace. Marie
Posted by: MarieLH at December 13, 2008 04:10 AM
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