HAPPY NEW YEAR! Best Videos of 2008
Celebrating New Year's Eve? Letting go of the old and ushering in the new? Raising a glass of champagne to love? Then take a look at Heart of the Matter's Best Videos of 2008.
Some of them will make you laugh. Some of them will make you cry. But all of them will inspire you to go beyond your seeming limitations and dive more deeply into life.
If you're hosting a party, you may want to show a few of these to your guests.
Happy New Year! And a Happy Next Breath...
It is like a punishment the whole protocole to write a comment, fortunatelly I am learning to be patient with you... at the end I will be to be grateful but I have already to sayt hat I have forgotten what I wanted t say, I´'m sorry.
Anyway, thank you for your post.
Posted by: blancaoraa at December 31, 2008 04:58 PM
Glad you like the post. And a Happy New Year to you, dear lady. The process of leaving comments is designed to keep the blog free of spam comments by spambots and other ruthless marketers. I realize it takes a bit more time to comment, but it keeps the site cleaner and at a high level of integrity. Thanks for your patience.
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at December 31, 2008 05:47 PM
HNY 09! Many thanks for the gentle yet poignant reminder. Always refreshing to read the blog and comments. Keep it up and hopefully will see something different in 2009 :) Cheers!
Posted by: Blizz at January 1, 2009 04:28 AM
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