The Heart of the Matter
December 04, 2008
Maharaji in Taiwan


Below are a few paraphrased highlights of Maharaji's presentation in Taiwan on November 30th. Thanks to Jan Buchalter for sharing her recollections with us.

"You are told that your lover, whom you have not seen for two years, is arriving at 4 pm. That morning, when you wake up, you will be extremely happy. When you are brushing your teeth, you will be happy, thinking of the time to come. At breakfast you will be dreaming of that time. All through the day your attention will be waiting for the moment when the two of you can be together. Three o'clock comes and you start looking at your watch every minute. The longing... the anticipation... the excitement... Finally, after so long, the time is drawing so near. By 3:55 you are floating on air. Approach Knowledge the same way."

"When a mother has a baby, where is her attention? No matter what she does, she is always thinking of her baby. Everything she goes through, her awareness is on her child's needs. Where is your awareness? If, in 20 minutes, you were told you were going to die, where would your focus be? In 10 minutes? You would not waste a minute. Make every moment count! Keep your priority of this life very, very clear."


"If you carve a chicken out of a piece of wood, does the wood become a chicken that actually lays eggs? What is our default nature that does not change regardless of what we make ourselves into, or what labels we place on our identities? One day our identity will become obsolete, so we might as well start now identifying with the timeless."

"When everything that is of the body is meant to return to the earth, to dust, can you be secure now... and then, ultimately, with your last breath, relying on the power that brought you into existence?"

"You are always so interested in knowing your friends, but there is one friend, in good times and bad, that will always be with you. When everything is good, friends are easy to come by, but when you are down and out, you will finally realize who your true friends are. Maharaji is the ultimate friend. It is time to get to know this friend within, and not be a stranger to yourself. Close the doors to all the outward, temporary show and begin to fathom the joy of the immortal."

"Though the wind may stir the surface of the pool, the ripples are from the wind. The depths below remain deep and placid."

"The warrior can battle the demons of arising conflicts and still maintain his or her stance of inner composure. This is the mark of one who has achieved some modicum of calm. Even in the face of anger or disruption one returns to the constant... for that is our underlying nature. This is possible for anyone -- from a prisoner to the most innocent human on the face of this earth."

"The relationship with the Master is beyond what we can comprehend with our understanding. It is so on another scale that there is nothing in this world that compares. One is lifted so above. The divinity there is a timeless actuality and both of you know you have never been apart. The longing to reach becomes so mutual that it raises the standard of what it means for two human beings to love. Devotion is the nature of this bond, and compares to no other relation."

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at December 4, 2008 04:56 AM


Definitely paraphrased. Lovely yes, but certain parts are not the way he speaks. Would be nice to have verbatim text. Thanks though, I sure enjoy hearing "the latest"

Posted by: Candice [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 4, 2008 11:42 AM

Candice: Yes, it would be great to get verbatim texts of Maharaji's talks. As of now, that option is not available. Next best option is what I'm doing: including some paraphrased excerpts to give people the gist of M's message from various events. If you can think of a way to get verbatim texts soon after one of M's events, let me know. It would be great to work from the source material. Be well....

Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 4, 2008 12:23 PM

What's the hurry? Patience is an art and the moments of longing are precious......,even to read or listen to the true words of the Master...At least that's my experience.........
Love from Grethe

Posted by: gret [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 5, 2008 10:42 AM

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