Twinkle Twinkle
So there I am, 11 years ago, putting my 3-year old son to bed, when I notice it's an especially clear night, a perfect time, I think, to introduce him to the ancient art of "wishing on a star." Scooping him up in my arms, I tenderly carry him across the room, part the gauzy curtain, and position him just right so he can see the fullness of the brilliant night sky.
"Jesse," I whisper, pointing up at the sky, "do you see that star? If you make a wish right now while looking at it, your wish will come true."
He turns and looks at me as if I had just revealed the secret of the universe. "Really, Dada?" he says.
"Oh yes," I reply, waiting for my first born to make his first wish on this perfect summer night.
He continues staring out the window, searching, it seems, for some deep sense of what he really wants from life. "I wish...."
(I couldn't believe my good fortune, the honor of being allowed to witness this, his first real act of longing.)
"I wish... I wish," he says, looking up at the sky and pausing ever so slightly, "for... a... lot of pretzels."
PS: What do YOU wish for? And more than that, what do you KNOW is possible?
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