DOWNLOAD THIS: Maharaji in Sicily
Every year the citizens of Agrigento, Sicily celebrate the Festival of the Almond Blossom. This year the festival was celebrated in a unique way. Prem Rawat (aka Maharaji), Ambassador of Peace, was invited by the local government to light the torch and then speak to the people of Agrigento.
"So many nations have come and gone," Maharaji said, upon opening the ceremony. "But throughout history there were always voices begging for peace. Were they heard? I don't know. Were they listened to? I don't know. But I do know that we are here to make a voice for that peace."
Click here to download a beautiful pdf of the event, created by the very talented Wendy Lewis.
Very lovely presentation. Thank you.
Posted by: eddh at February 12, 2009 01:10 AM
Dear Mitch,
I am delighted to discover your wonderful website.
The heart space in the clouds is a lovely image.
And it so exciting to find some news from Tel Aviv so soon.
I am impressed! must have a browse...
I will visit often.
How incredible is this..this beauty..this peace...this time
Posted by: MB at February 13, 2009 06:36 AM
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