Kabir, Duke Ellington, and the Swing
Between the conscious and the unconscious, the mind has put up a swing; all earth creatures, even the supernovas, sway between these two trees, and it never winds down.
Angels, animals, humans, insects by the millions, also the wheeling sun and moon; ages go by, and it goes on.
Everything is swinging; heaven, earth, water, fire, and the secret one slowly growing a body.
Kabir saw that for 15 seconds, and it made him a servant for life.
Painting: Rachel Clearfield
Translation: Robert Bly
Five minutes after posting this poem, I turned on the radio. Guess what was playing? Duke Ellington's It Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing. I kid you, not.
Ain't synchronicity great?!
Posted by: j bhutu-ji at November 12, 2008 03:10 AM
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