HAFIZ: My Sweet, Crushed Angel
"You have not danced so badly, my dear, trying to hold hands with the Beautiful One. You have waltzed with great style, my sweet, crushed angel, to have ever neared God's Heart at all.
Our Partner is notoriously difficult to follow, and even his best musicians are not always easy to hear.
So what if the music has stopped for a while. So what if the price of admission to the Divine is out of our reach tonight. So what, my dear, if you do not have the ante to gamble for Real Love.
The mind and the body are famous for holding the heart ransom, but Hafiz knows the Beloved's eternal habits.
Have patience, for he will not be able to resist your longing for long.
You have not danced so badly, my dear, trying to kiss the Beautiful One. You have actually waltzed with tremendous style, Oh my sweet, Oh my sweet, crushed angel."
I Heard God Laughing, by Daniel Ladinsky. Illustration: Diane Cobb
We are truly in synch, Mitch. I just bought 4 Hafiz books by Daniel Ladinsky, including "I Heard God Laughing." It is on the nightstand by my bed and I read them to myself, my husband, and my teenage son often. "My Sweet, Crushed Angel" is one of my very favorites, but they are all profoundly inspiring.
Thank you!
Posted by: Amy B de B at July 24, 2009 12:03 AM
Posted by: Ferdinand Attems at April 15, 2010 01:06 AM
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