A Message from Maharaji
"Imagine you have a little boat. And you want to tie it to something because you found a perfect harbor with a beautiful beach and nice clear water, and you want to spend some time there and have a picnic.
But the wind is blowing, and there are rocks, and you don't want to smash your boat on the rocks. You brought a rope with you, and you also brought a big block of Styrofoam that floats on the water. So you tie your boat to it, and you're happy, smiling. The boat is secured to the Styrofoam.
Is everything okay? No problems? Big problems! The boat is going to drift because the Styrofoam is going to drift. If you don't want the boat to drift, you must find something that doesn't drift. That's why people use an anchor. They throw the anchor into the water, set it, then pull on it to make sure it is caught on something that doesn't drift.
What is there in your life that does not drift?
Everything is going to change. You're not going to want it to, but it is going to change. Your face is going to change, your ideas are going to change, and the way you view things is going to change.
This is the nature of the world you live in. It is bound by time, and time changes everything. And you are looking not to drift.
So what is there that does not drift? To find that answer, you need to find your true self, because the true self does not drift.
Find the changeless and tie well this boat of life to the changeless. Then relax. Isn't that why you came into the harbor? Deep question. Isn't that why you're here with this incredible power to enjoy life in hand?
I don't want to change your religion or change your ways. I don't want to change your job. Do whatever you have to do, but know the difference between the permanent and the temporary.
There are all the things that are relative, and there is one thing that is not relative, that's absolute. And the absolute is within you. No variables.
You have life. That is absolute. One day you won't. But as long as you are alive, as long as breath comes into you, it is absolute. And as long as you are alive and can feel, as long as you have the capacity to be conscious, I say to you: be conscious of what is the real life.
Of all the things you could be conscious of, be aware of the existence that you have. Being aware of your existence brings joy, happiness, peace. Real peace."
Excerpted from "It's About You"
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Posted Perfectly! Right on time! I'm going through a thousand changes as I write this - who isn't? - and what a great reminder to read about that which never changes! Better still, what a great good fortune to know and feel within myself that which never changes! What a joy to enjoy!!!
A thousand thank you's!!!
Posted by: j bhutu-ji at August 26, 2009 05:06 PM
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