The Heart of the Matter
August 02, 2009
VIDEO: Maharaji at the Asheville Picnic

Some people (especially those who have never met Maharaji) think he only speaks at big venues, entering stage left and exiting like some kind of Wizard of Oz. Not true. Maharaji goes wherever the love is, wherever people -- thirsty for truth and ready to receive him -- come together -- even if it's in a tent...

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at August 2, 2009 01:46 PM


This is a marvellous way to meet Maharaji and to spread His message. Thank for sharing this video, it is beautiful.

Posted by: Nicolas COUTURON [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 6, 2009 05:13 AM

This is a marvellous way to met Maharaji and to spread His message. Thank for sharing this video, it is beautiful.

Posted by: Nicolas COUTURON [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 6, 2009 05:38 AM

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