TPRF & America's Giving Challenge
America's Giving Challenge has launched a very cool contest on Facebook -- one that gives TPRF an opportunity to win $50,000 (if it receives the most donations of $10 or more by 11/6).
The contest is simple: Each day the Cause that gets the most donations of $10 or more wins $1,000. At the end of the contest, $50,000 is awarded to the Cause that has received the most donations, with smaller awards for 2nd through 7th place.
Each person is encouraged to make multiple contributions toward the challenge, but only one contribution per day is allowed. (Please note that a "day" in this contest starts at 12 noon PST and ends at 12 noon PST the following day).
If you are already a Facebook member, you can go to the TPRF Food For People Cause. But you do not need to be a member of Facebook to make a donation. You can go straight to the Cause and make a contribution of $10 or more.
To find out more, don't miss the new Food For People story on the TPRF website.
58 second video on how it works
Video about Food for People
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