Just This Crazy Laughter
Now that you have shown me who I am with my own eyes, what do you want me to do? Sing your praises? No can do, I'm mute. Write love songs? Ha! My hands are shaking and so is the ground.
Oh my Friend, an ocean of feeling I have become, a fool, a lunatic walking on moonlight -- singing, singing.
This is not at all what I imagined when first we met.
Even if my story could be told, no one would believe me. I have no proof, not a single shred of evidence, just this crazy laughter and the kind of late night sighing that comes when there is nothing left to say.
Posted by: j bhutu-ji at October 15, 2008 10:18 PM
Indeed I am that laughter, because everything I say falls short and lifeless to the floor. So I am left only with laughter
Posted by: Chris at October 7, 2009 10:13 PM
Giggle,giggle! Oh yeah!
Posted by: C.Joy at October 7, 2009 11:27 PM
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