Maharaji in India: 11/7
This just in from Maharaji's public event in Noida, a city south of New Delhi (as recalled by Lucka Koscak).
"Do not forget that you are a renter, not an owner. One day you'll be thrown out."
"Do you know or do you believe? You believe it, but one day you'll know it. You worship. You go to the temples. But your swan is inside of you. Know this Creator. It's time to know, not believe."
"Heaven is here and if there's a hell, then it's here, too -- and also the solution for it. And the swan is here and the one who shows the swan is here, too."
I'm not God, but God is inside of me. I don't believe that. I know that. When I practice this Knowledge, I know it."
"Receive what I give. If you like it, enjoy it. Know this life inside yourself. Go to the temple of your heart."
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