A Lulu of a Contest
OK, it's contest time!
I just found out from my publisher (www.Lulu.com) that they are sponsoring a contest for their authors. It's a simple deal. The author who sells the most copies of his/her book in January wins $1,500. Second place is $750. Third place is $500.
All you need to do is buy a copy for $14.97 + shipping. If I win, I'll donate the prize money to TPRF, a non-profit humanitarian foundation. Everyone wins! You in?
Thanks for the Jim Carrey clip - it was great!
Keep up the good work - hope that you enjoyed Dewitt Jones's Celebration of What is rRght in the World,
Love Pam
Posted by: Pamela Smith at January 31, 2010 08:07 PM
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