The Heart of the Matter
January 04, 2010
Finding Home

When I was a small boy, I used to look up at the sky a lot, sigh, and think one basic thought: "I want to go home."

Though my parents tried their best to love me (allowance! grilled cheese! dog!)I was sure I came from someplace else. I felt like an orphan.

It wasn't that I was unhappy. I wasn't. i just felt displaced -- absolutely sure that my real home was very faraway.

As I grew up and translated my boyish sky-prayers into a more classical spiritual quest, I began to notice a pattern in the books I was reading.

Beyond the jargon and the all too common habit of implying that their way was the only way, a central theme was emerging -- the home I was looking for was within me.

My seemingly unquenchable thirst to have the experience of arriving was not going to be a matter of traveling to exotic places worthy of my pilgrimage. It was going to be a matter of turning within.

But how? How does one turn within?

Well, that's what my teacher, Maharaji, was (and still is) revealing. In a very simple way, he has a knack for helping people experience their true home.

Yes, home is where the heart is, but where is the heart?

That is the quest. And that is also the destination.


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 4, 2010 08:21 PM

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