The Heart of the Matter
January 28, 2010
The Mask Unmasked

Here is Jim Carrey, one of the funniest dudes in history, sharing his recent revelation about the illusory nature of thought and the true definition of spirituality as being the relieving of all suffering. The times they are a 'changin.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 28, 2010 08:54 PM


Thank you Mitch for you blog!A friend called Savio send me your blog.

Jim Carrey . I can feel this universe within me every single day . And whenever I want - yes I can go there.

It is so beautiful that everyone can have access to that key inside .Im interested that maybe Jim will ask maharaji for it when he is ready

I feel soooo priviledged

Posted by: Julian [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 14, 2012 09:49 AM

Thank you Mitch for you blog!A friend called Savio send me your blog.

Jim Carrey : I can feel this universe within me every single day . And whenever I want - yes I can go there.Maharaji had given me this gift of knowledge and I practise it because it is my only link.

It is so beautiful that everyone can have access to that key inside
I feel soooo priviledged


Posted by: Julian [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 14, 2012 09:52 AM

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