The Heart of the Matter
April 19, 2010
Why Are These People Smiling?

I'll tell you why. They are listening to an extraordinary Teacher talk about the most ancient topic there is to talk about -- but talk about it in the most modern of ways. It's a topic that transcends time, culture, religion, politics, philosophy, or any of the other artificial divisions that separate human beings from each other and themselves. If you are looking for the source of that inner smile, the door is open.


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at April 19, 2010 06:16 PM


I got up this morning thinking in all what I have to do today,cheking an e-mail from a client; and everything vanished when looking all those people smiling,then the beaotifoul reminder. what is the mos important thing to do today? but allow my heart to smile.
Thanks to my master,thanks and many thanks.
And thanks to the blog that appear right in front of me.
Thanks MItch.

Posted by: Fernando Diaz [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 19, 2010 07:19 AM

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