There Is Another Part of You
Words of wisdom from Prem Rawat...
"Guess what? There is another part of you.
That other part of you is called the heart. Do you know how to use that part? Because if you don't, it's just like walking around with one leg tied, with one arm tied, with a patch on the eye and an earplug in the ear.
You have a whole part of you that wants to be content. There is a part of you that wants to be happy. Yes, there is a part of you that wants to have a posh briefcase and run off to the office every day and hobnob with the friends, and watch the latest things on the TV, and go to the movies, and do this and do that.
But there is a part of you, not an imagined part, a very real part of you, that wants to be content. That is all. No glory, no certificates. no climbing the steps, no climbing the ladders, no arguments.
Just wants to be content. Just wants to be happy. Happy. A simple, basic necessity of every human being on the face of this earth."
Excerpted from InnerLink
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