The Paradise Inside
"There's not too many people on the face of this earth who can truly stand up and say, 'You know, I'm going through about the worst time in my life, but you know what? My happiness has not been taxed. My joy has not been taxed.'
That is unique. That is beautiful. That's the way it should be.
It isn't about a coconut floating in the ocean going, 'Well, how come there's waves?' It uses what it has been given.
So, let there be waves. Big deal. And probably it gets to a point where the coconut says, 'The bigger the waves, the better. Because that means I'll be thrown far inland.'
Everything switches, everything turns around. This is how you are meant to be. This is what the Paradise inside is. This is what the heaven inside is.
You don't need to be in the hell of this world, counting all the problems. In the middle of all of it, there is something so beautiful. In the middle, there's something so real. And the real is more real than the fake is fake." - Prem Rawat
Excerpted from InnerLink
far out... thats good good stuff !
Posted by: innapeace at May 24, 2010 09:55 PM
Yes, thanks. All ready send it to few friends.
Posted by: henryw at May 25, 2010 06:38 PM
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