Food for No Thought
"The pure-hearted man
fulfills the supreme purpose of life
through the
instructions of his Guru,
even though they be
casually imparted.
The worldly-minded man
studies and inquires
throughout his life,
yet remains
-- Ashtavakra
So is Astavakra saying that, the pure hearted man is someone is not able to think by him or herself?
That one self is incapable of finding the instructions of life inside of itself and follow them?
I am so happy to have found a master (guru) that encourages me to think by myself, that his instructions are “find the instructions of life inside of you, see this world thru your own eyes, the love is inside of you” (paraphrasing) he is always pointing at me, not at himself.
Posted by: claudia heugel at July 2, 2010 09:09 AM
Good point Claudia but I don't think I would have found 'the supreme purpose of my life' without my Guru!
Pam Smith
Posted by: Pamela Smith at July 2, 2010 10:00 PM
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