Maharaji in Woodstock, Part 1
Maharaji gave his first public talk in Woodstock last night. It was, shall we say, "beyond words."
For those of you who have asked me to describe the event, I've decided to let my guests do the talking.
What follows is the first in a series of postings from friends of mine who attended the event -- all of whom were seeing Maharaji for the first time.
Here's one from Barbara Schacker, a long-time Woodstock resident and the co-founder of Stroke Family.
"I woke up on the day of Maharaji's event not feeling so great and a bit worried about giving my virus to other people. But I decided to just put on my shoes and head out to get my ticket.
It was about 4:50 when I got there and saw so many people I knew that I started feeling more comfortable. Because I was alone and there were single seats inside the theater, I was given a ticket to be in the main room.
What can I say? He's got it. I love him! I could listen to him forever!
I felt quite healed when I left. Thank you so much for leading me to him.
He is the lighted candle that can light others. It was perfect for me. I wish Melissa, my daughter, could have been there.
I want to pursue his teaching more. He is the best teacher I have ever encountered."
"OK. So it is a couple of hours later and I still have no cold symptoms. Zero. Zip! I guess it is just a little tap on my shoulder to let me know that something profound really did just happen with Maharaji. It goes beyond just being there and having him teach.
He reminds me of the little smiling Buddha statue -- with a touch of attitude.
I am laughing to myself about this real magic and feeling really good! I have to keep realizing this doesn't have to go away -- that this is real.
"I am not a joiner. I am not even much of a 'follower'. I don't care for religion -- even good ones. And having almost lost a family member to a cult years ago, I am wary of 'teachers'.
But this man really has a gift for communicating and connecting on a spiritual level, with absolutely no pretense, no ego, no hidden agenda, no mysterious 'secret', no formula, no 'joining' anything, no contributions needed.
It's a free ticket back to ourselves, back to here and now, back to Heaven.
I recall a picture of me when I was about 3 years old.
I am standing on a picnic table in my backyard wearing nothing but ruffled panties and my dad's old cowboy boots. My curly blond locks are uncombed and tumbled. I have my hands on my hips and my feet set apart in a very strong and natural stance -- my smile, my eyes, my face -- a radiant light.
This was before all the things that happened to me.
Before the educational system and the church. Before almost dying five times. Before my father's stroke. Before my lost loves, my lost friends. Before my husband's brain trauma and all the challenges I face now.
Maharaji inspired me last night and brought me back to feeling like that child again.
It was a realization that all of the stuff that happened to me is just "zero" and that I am still "1" -- that what's happened to me is past and passing, but I am still here -- whole -- always.
Why should the world continue to struggle in the dark? I will keep my candle lit so I can see my way.
I will share the light until all is illuminated -- until we all "know".
It's another day in Heaven."
-- Barbara Schacker
Thank you, Barbara, very beautiful:
"I am laughing to myself about this real magic and feeling really good! I have to keep realizing this doesn't have to go away -- that this is real."
Posted by: Jjvmvanlaar1 at August 26, 2010 02:46 PM
Wonderfully put, Barbara. As someone who has seen Maharaji many times and received the gift of Knowledge quite a while ago, I was quite amazed (once again) at his clarity, conviction, humor, and presence last night. He really IS a lighted candle. Everyone leaving the program was aglow.
We're very fortunate to have had the opportunity to see and hear him right here in our hometown of Woodstock because it's a big world and every single human being in it needs to be able to KNOW who they really are and live from that place. Just a splendid evening of being in the NOW and feeling one's heart. Thanks for capturing a bit of that magic with your words here.
Posted by: Val Vadeboncoeur at August 26, 2010 03:03 PM
Thank's Barbara for sharing your first experience with Prem Rawat life!
I can imagin how it must have felt. Hope to see him soon as well :-)
Posted by: Fred Teljeur at August 26, 2010 04:52 PM
What a joy to wake up and read this, thanks!
Posted by: Joyce at August 26, 2010 09:29 PM
I have really enjoyed the comments of the lucky people of Woodstock this morning. It's wonderful to hear some brand new and fresh and very happy viewpoints about a meeting with a very special man.
It has really inspired me to get to Long Beach this year to see 'The Man'. It reminded me that going to see Prem Rawat is like the self meeting the Self and I need that.
Posted by: Pamela Smith at January 16, 2012 02:04 PM
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