Maharaji in Woodstock, Part 6
On August 25th, Maharaji spoke to 355 people in Woodstock, NY. What follows are the comments of Ilfra Halley, a long-time Woodstock resident, seeing Maharaji for the first time that night.
"I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to attend Maharaji's presentation at the Bearsville Theater. It was an important and memorable experience that touched me deeply.
It began from the moment I entered the building where I was kindly and warmly welcomed by the staff. From that point onward, every single person I encountered was caring and helpful.
I was struck also by the sweetness and comradeship among Maharaji's students, many of whom had traveled distances to attend the evening. Clearly Maharaji's teachings have touched his students' core and resonate through their lives.
The most special gift of the evening was to sit in the presence of Maharaji who embodied gentleness, generosity and boundless love. His radiant heart filled the room.
Indeed, Maharaji himself was the teaching.
There was no rhetoric, only the experience of his Being which was his invitation to us to be authentic, to manifest our true human inheritance of unconditional love and luminosity.
I know that I will carry this experience with me always with a deep smile of gratitude for this sublime inspiration."
-- Ilfra Halley
How inspiring to hear from people who've only just seen Maharaji.
Posted by: Jon Allor at September 2, 2010 09:45 PM
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