Where I Live
Many times over the past 16 years, well-meaning people have asked me where I lived.
Depending on my mood and how much I thought they really wanted to know, I would tell them any of the following:
"Two hours north of Manhattan" ... "Ulster County" ... "65 miles south of Albany" ... or the "oh so famous Woodstock, New York."
Now, many years after receiving Knowledge and having relocated to my breath, I simply say:
The State of Gratitude.
where I live?
in the state of gratitude...
I think, in that country, there will never be war
never be hunger, because we share equally
never be jealousy
never be hate
enough place for all of us
never overcrowded
no traffic jam
tell me, where is it?
where do you live, really?
I would like to live there, for ever...
Posted by: Jjvmvanlaar1 at September 6, 2010 09:18 PM
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