There's a great new service now available at Words of Peace Global. It's called Peacecards -- a collection of 23 beautifully designed virtual postcards you can personalize and email. Quotes from Prem Rawat, Rumi, Kabir, Einstein, Thomas Merton and others. Check it out.
Posted by: Louise Mitchell at November 28, 2010 05:34 AM
Mitch, the peacecards are now also on the Spanish WOPG website and we will translate them in many more languages soon (China, Japan, India, Brasil) with local art & design and any feedback, or your creative imput, to improve them is very welcome and you can sent to
Jos van Laar, "Art from the Heart" project
Posted by: Jjvmvanlaar1 at January 4, 2011 04:31 AM
oh and thanks, dear dear dear Mitch, I forgot to wish you a happy new year, I am so sorry and also I do not know, how to write this in Chinese...(maybe have to ask Adri, from Singapore)
Posted by: Jjvmvanlaar1 at January 4, 2011 04:34 AM
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